How's Howard? 

John was previously a co-director of the Howard Art Project in Dorchester, MA. When it's doors closed in June of 2015, "How's Howard?" opened in its wake as an alternate site continuing to invest in emerging, under-represented artists whose disciplines approach untraditional methods.

In addition to supporting contemporary artistic practices, "How's Howard?" is also dedicated to exhibiting a diverse group of artists from a variety of backgrounds.  Social inclusivity and the celebration of diversity lie at the core of the "Hows Howard?" mission statement, and we subsequently aim to share these powerful values with visitors and patrons alike. 

How's Howard? is located on the 4th floor of the The Distillery building in South Boston.

Please direct all exhibitions inquiries to: John Roy -

Hours: Saturday 12-5pm during exhibition dates

By appointment Tuesday through Friday


Mailing address:

How's Howard? 

Attention: John Roy

516 East 2nd Street #12, South Boston, MA 02127